at home healthcare.
We understand disease management can be messy. justmiine provides telemedicine at home!
Have meaningful, real-time healthcare. Achieve your short and long-term health care goals with remote patient montioring. From Diabetes to COVID-19, our telehealth app connects you with your doctor's office.
Using justmiine
The justmiine app guides you through your Care Plan. Our app’s simple to-do list helps organize medications and daily activities. Push notifications remind you to take your blood pressure, weight or glucose.
The justmiine app keeps you motivated by showing you how you're doing. Our app makes it easy to keep tabs on the daily management of chronic conditions like Hypertension, Diabetes, and Congestive Heart Failure.
Once you start using the app, we show your progress over time while also connecting your data with your care team. We offer Bluetooth device integration to allow for seamless logging of vital information. No more playing phone tag with the front desk, chat with your medical team for a more speedy communication.
What do you do if you have a critical Blood Pressure or Blood Sugar reading? Instead of ending up in the emergency room with long wait times, justmiine connects you with your health care team. Medical intervention can be done when it matters the most, at home.
justmiine wants you to harness your own health information, becoming an active player in your disease management. Our platform brings a higher understanding of your medical conditions and the knowledge needed to achieve your health care goals.
Instead of waiting weeks or months till your next doctor’s appointment, justmiine allows you to see your doctor using a HIPAA-complaint and secure telemedicine environment. Your healthcare team is a video call away, ready to make appropriate changes to your care plan on the spot. We want to keep you healthy and out of the hospital.
Health education is a strong facilitator of patient outcome and compliance. The justmiine system includes a shared library of educational materials which can be reviewed by you in the comfort of your own home. Reliable information, when you need, at your fingertips.